How to Craft Irresistible Black Friday Email Campaigns

Alex Palmiere
September 16, 2024
minute read
Black Friday email marketing
Learn how to master Black Friday email marketing with compelling subject lines, personalized offers, and optimal send times. Boost your sales now!

Black Friday is a golden opportunity for businesses to skyrocket their sales through strategic Black Friday email marketing. Black Friday email marketing allows you to connect directly with your customers and boost your sales during one of the biggest shopping events of the year. Here's a quick guide to the essentials:

  • Start marketing early: Preparation is key.
  • Craft compelling subject lines: Grab attention with urgency and value.
  • Design eye-catching emails: Make your content visual and mobile-friendly.
  • Personalize your offers: Tailor your messages to different customer segments.
  • Optimize send times: Use data to find the best times to send your emails.

Black Friday email marketing has become increasingly vital as more consumers shift to online shopping. In 2022, online Black Friday sales set new records, bringing in $9.2 billion. This growing trend indicates that a solid email marketing strategy is crucial for capturing your audience's attention and driving conversions. From compelling subject lines to engaging designs, a well-executed email campaign can set you apart from the competition and maximize your sales potential.

I'm Alexander Palmiere, founder and CEO of Refresh Digital Strategy, and I've helped numerous businesses excel in Black Friday email marketing. With over 200 successful website launches and deep expertise in digital marketing, I'm here to guide you through crafting irresistible email campaigns.

Black Friday Marketing Tips Infographic - Black Friday email marketing infographic infographic-line-5-steps-colors

Black Friday email marketing word guide:

Crafting Compelling Subject Lines

When it comes to Black Friday email marketing, your subject line is the first impression. It's what determines whether your email gets opened or ignored. Here's how to craft subject lines that stand out in a crowded inbox:

Grab Attention

Your subject line needs to catch the reader's eye immediately. Use bold language and make it clear that your email contains an exciting offer. For example, a subject line like "🚨 50% Off Everything – Today Only!" uses urgency and a clear value proposition to grab attention fast.

Create Curiosity

Tease your readers with just enough information to make them want to know more. Instead of spilling all the details, leave a bit of mystery. A subject line like "Open up Exclusive Black Friday Deals Inside!" encourages recipients to open the email to find out what the exclusive deals are.

Convey Urgency

Black Friday is all about urgency. Use time-sensitive language to push readers to act now. Phrases like "Limited Time Offer," "Ends Tonight," or "One-Day Sale" can create a sense of urgency that prompts immediate action.

Highlight Value Proposition

Your subject line should clearly state the benefit of opening the email. What’s in it for the reader? A subject line like "Save Big on Your Favorite Items – Up to 70% Off!" clearly communicates the value, making it hard to resist.

Align with Email Content

Ensure that your subject line accurately reflects the content of your email. Misleading subject lines can lead to high open rates but low engagement and may damage your brand's reputation. If you're offering a discount on electronics, your subject line should say something like "Huge Savings on Electronics – Black Friday Only!"

Examples of Effective Subject Lines

Here are some real-world examples that have proven to be effective:

  • "40% Off. Free Shipping. It Must Be Black Friday."
  • "First Turkey, Then Great Deals!"
  • "Get Your Black Friday Game Face On"
  • "⏰ Rise & Shine – Half-Off Black Friday Deals Are Here"
  • "Better Than Their Deals – Up to 50% Off!"

Quick Tips

  • Personalization: Include the recipient’s name to make the email feel more personal.
  • Emojis: Use emojis to make your subject line stand out, but don’t overdo it.
  • Humor: Light humor can make your email memorable. For example, "Every Friday is Black Friday When Your Eyes Are Closed. Because You’re Napping."

By focusing on these elements, you can craft subject lines that not only get your emails noticed but also opened and acted upon. Next, let’s dive into designing eye-catching email templates that keep your audience engaged.

Designing Eye-Catching Email Templates

Once you've grabbed your customers' attention with a compelling subject line, the next step is to ensure they stay engaged by designing an email template that is both visually appealing and easy to steer. Here’s how to do it:

Clean Layout

A clean and organized layout helps ensure your email is easy to read and steer. Use a structured format with a clear hierarchy of information. Important details, like your call-to-action (CTA), should be prominently visible. Avoid clutter by using ample white space and separating sections with clear dividers.

High-Quality Visuals

Visuals are crucial in showcasing your products and deals. Use high-quality images, graphics, or GIFs that fit your holiday theme. For example, adding festive elements like snowflakes or holiday lights can make your email more engaging. Make sure your visuals highlight the unique selling points of your products or services.

Brand Consistency

While it's important to highlight your seasonal sale, your email should still align with your overall brand identity. Use your brand's fonts, colors, and logos to create a cohesive experience that customers can immediately recognize. Consistency helps build trust and reinforces your brand image.

Key Offers

Your email should clearly highlight the most important offers. Use eye-catching banners or badges to draw attention to your best deals. Elements like countdown timers can create urgency and encourage recipients to act quickly. For example, a banner saying "50% Off – Today Only!" can be very effective.

Mobile Optimization

A significant number of recipients will view your email on a mobile device. Ensure that your email is mobile-friendly by using a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes. Test your email on various devices to ensure it looks good everywhere. Mobile optimization can significantly boost your engagement and sales potential.

Examples of Eye-Catching Email Designs

Urban Outfitters: Show Them What You’ve GotUrban Outfitters pairs products with discount codes in their Black Friday emails, driving more click-throughs and conversions.

Nasty Gal: A Little Less Choice, A Little More ActionNasty Gal simplifies choices by offering promotions only on black items, embracing the Black Friday theme and making the selection less overwhelming for shoppers.

Quick Tips

  • Use High-Quality Images: Ensure your images are clear and relevant to your offers.
  • Highlight Key Offers: Make your best deals stand out with banners or badges.
  • Optimize for Mobile: Test your email on different devices to ensure a seamless experience.
  • Maintain Brand Consistency: Use your brand’s fonts, colors, and logos to create a cohesive look.

By focusing on these elements, you can design email templates that not only look great but also drive engagement and conversions. Next, let’s explore how to personalize your Black Friday email marketing to make each recipient feel special.

Personalizing Your Black Friday Email Marketing

Personalization is key to making your Black Friday email marketing stand out. When customers feel that an email is custom just for them, they are more likely to engage and make a purchase. Here’s how to do it:

Dynamic Content

Dynamic content allows you to create emails that change based on the recipient's behavior, preferences, or past interactions with your brand. This can include personalized product recommendations, custom discount codes, or even customized greetings.

For example, if a customer frequently purchases skincare products, your email can highlight the best Black Friday deals on skincare items. This level of personalization can significantly boost your conversion rates.

Customer Segmentation

Segmenting your email list is crucial for sending the right message to the right audience. You can segment your customers based on various criteria such as purchase history, browsing behavior, geographic location, or even demographic information.

Example Segments:

  • Frequent Buyers: Offer exclusive early access to Black Friday deals.
  • First-Time Shoppers: Provide a special welcome discount.
  • Location-Based: Tailor offers based on regional preferences or weather conditions.

By segmenting your audience, you can send more relevant emails that resonate with each group, increasing the likelihood of engagement and sales.

Personalized Offers

Personalized offers can make your customers feel valued and appreciated. Use data from past purchases or browsing history to create offers that are hard to resist.

For instance, if a customer has shown interest in a particular product but hasn’t made a purchase, you can send a special discount on that item. This targeted approach can encourage them to complete the purchase.

Pro Tip: Use phrases like “Just for You” or “Exclusive Offer” in your email subject lines to grab attention and make the recipient feel special.

Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs are a fantastic way to reward your most dedicated customers during Black Friday. Offer loyalty points, exclusive discounts, or early access to sales for members of your loyalty program.

Case Study:Sephora uses its loyalty program, Beauty Insider, to offer members early access to Black Friday deals. This not only rewards loyal customers but also creates a sense of exclusivity, encouraging more people to join the program.

Quick Tips

  • Use Dynamic Content: Tailor your emails based on customer behavior and preferences.
  • Segment Your Audience: Send relevant messages to different customer groups.
  • Create Personalized Offers: Offer discounts on items that customers are interested in.
  • Leverage Loyalty Programs: Reward loyal customers with exclusive deals and early access.

By incorporating these personalization strategies, you can make your Black Friday email marketing more effective and engaging. Now, let’s determine the optimal time to send your emails to maximize their impact.

Determining the Optimal Send Time

When it comes to Black Friday email marketing, timing can make or break your campaign. Here’s how to determine the best times to send your emails:

Analyze Past Performance

Start by looking at data from your previous email campaigns. Identify patterns in open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. This historical data can provide valuable insights into when your audience is most engaged.

Pro Tip: Look for trends in the days and times that resulted in the highest engagement. This will give you a good starting point for your Black Friday email schedule.

Consider Time Zones

Your customers are likely spread across different time zones. Sending an email at 8 AM in New York means it’s 5 AM in Los Angeles, and your West Coast customers might miss out.

Solution: Use email scheduling tools to send your emails at the optimal local time for each segment of your audience. This ensures that your emails land in their inboxes when they are most likely to be checked.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a powerful way to determine the best send times. Create two versions of your email and send them at different times to see which one performs better.


  • Group A: Receives the email at 9 AM.
  • Group B: Receives the email at 6 PM.

Analyze the results to see which time had higher open and click-through rates. Use this data to refine your future send times.

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Use Email Scheduling Tools

Email scheduling tools can help you automate your Black Friday email marketing campaign. These tools allow you to plan and schedule your emails in advance, ensuring they go out at the optimal times.


  • Consistency: Maintain a steady flow of emails without manual intervention.
  • Efficiency: Save time by setting up your email schedule in advance.
  • Optimization: Adjust send times based on performance data to maximize engagement.

Pro Tip: Some email scheduling tools offer advanced features like time zone detection and send-time optimization, which can further improve your campaign’s effectiveness.

Timing Strategies

Here are some strategies to consider for your Black Friday email send times:

  • Early Morning Sends: Send emails early in the morning when people are likely to check their inboxes first thing.
  • Lunch Break Sends: Target the lunch break period when people have a moment to browse their emails.
  • Evening Sends: Send emails in the evening when people are winding down and have time to shop.

Best Practice: For one-day sales, consider sending a reminder email in the final hours to create a sense of urgency and drive last-minute purchases.

By analyzing past performance, considering time zones, utilizing A/B testing, and leveraging email scheduling tools, you can determine the optimal send times for your Black Friday email marketing campaign. Next, let's look at some examples of successful Black Friday email campaigns to inspire your strategy.

Examples of Successful Black Friday Email Campaigns

Pepper's Simple Sale Reminder Email

Subject: Up to 40% off 🎉

What it is: Pepper, a bra brand, sent out a straightforward email announcing their site-wide Black Friday event.

Why it works: The email is clear and to the point. It includes the brand name, sale details, and a focused call to action (CTA) to "Shop Now." This approach makes it easy for customers to understand the offer and take immediate action.

How to implement it: Keep your Black Friday email marketing simple. Use a clear subject line with the discount and a strong CTA that leads customers to your landing page.

HUM Nutrition's Eye-Catching Email

Subject: Just a reminder, you get Black Friday deals first!

What it is: HUM Nutrition used bold colors, an animated Early Access bar, and eye-catching imagery to announce their Black Friday sale.

Why it works: The vibrant hot pink background and engaging illustrations stand out in crowded inboxes. The email gives clear information about discounts, codes, and where to shop, while the visuals keep it fun and engaging.

How to implement it: Use bold colors and unique imagery that align with your brand’s visual identity. Keep important information above the fold to grab attention quickly.

Detox Market's Free Gift Email

Subject: HOLD-UP! Black Friday Sale is HERE?

What it is: Detox Market offered a free gift with purchases over $200, combined with a tiered discount strategy.

Why it works: The promise of a free gift entices customers to spend more. The simple design with a flashing headline and clear CTA makes the email eye-catching and effective.

How to implement it: Consider adding a free gift to your Black Friday offers. Use a simple design with an attention-grabbing headline and clear CTA to drive conversions.

TANIT Botanics Black Friday VIP Access Email

Subject: Exclusive Black Friday VIP Access 🌿

What it is: TANIT Botanics offered early access to their Black Friday sale for VIP customers.

Why it works: Offering early access makes customers feel special and valued. It also helps spread out the traffic, reducing the rush on the actual Black Friday.

How to implement it: Create a VIP segment in your email list and offer them early access to your sales. Use personalized subject lines to make them feel exclusive.

Happy Goat Coffee Company's Quirky Email

Subject: Wake up! Black Friday deals are brewing ☕

What it is: Happy Goat Coffee Company used humor and quirky language to announce their Black Friday deals.

Why it works: Humor grabs attention and makes the email memorable. The playful subject line and engaging copy align with the brand’s personality, making it more relatable to customers.

How to implement it: Don’t be afraid to use humor in your Black Friday emails. Make sure it aligns with your brand’s voice and keeps the message clear.

Adidas' Urgency Email

Subject: Don't miss out! Black Friday deals ending soon ⏰

What it is: Adidas used urgency to encourage immediate action from customers.

Why it works: The subject line creates a sense of urgency, prompting customers to act quickly. The email’s design is clean, with a prominent CTA and countdown timer to reinforce the urgency.

How to implement it: Use urgency in your subject lines and emails. Include countdown timers and clear CTAs to drive immediate action.

Patagonia's Mission-Driven Email

Subject: Black Friday needs a fix

What it is: Patagonia encouraged customers to repair old clothes instead of buying new ones, aligning with their environmental mission.

Why it works: This approach stands out because it goes against the typical Black Friday sales pitch. It reinforces Patagonia’s brand values and creates a positive image.

How to implement it: If you want to break the mold, focus on your brand’s mission and values. Use Black Friday as an opportunity to promote sustainability or other causes important to your brand.

Midnight Paloma's Text-Only Email

Subject: Hours left for 25% off ⏳

What it is: Midnight Paloma sent a personalized, text-only email from the founder.

Why it works: The email feels personal and direct, making it stand out in a sea of promotional emails. It also includes a discount code and links to a gift guide, adding value for the customer.

How to implement it: Try sending a text-only email to create a personal touch. Use customer segmentation to personalize the message and suggest relevant products.

These examples show that successful Black Friday email marketing campaigns can take many forms. Whether you choose a simple reminder, a bold visual approach, or a mission-driven message, the key is to stay true to your brand and provide clear, compelling offers. Next, we will answer some frequently asked questions about Black Friday email marketing to help you refine your strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions about Black Friday Email Marketing

What are the best practices for Black Friday emails?

Subject Lines: Your subject line is the first impression. Make it count. Use your company name, personalize with the customer’s name, and add a sense of urgency. For example, "Karen, your boss is shopping today too" or "Rise & shine Karen…half-off Black Friday deals are here." Emojis can also increase click-through rates by up to 28%.

Engaging Copy: Keep your email content engaging and to the point. Use conversational language, humor, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs). Happy Goat Coffee Company's subject line, “Wake up! Black Friday deals are brewing ☕,” is a great example of using humor to grab attention.

Product Showcase: Highlight your best deals. Use high-quality visuals and concise descriptions. National Geographic’s emails are known for showcasing their deals effectively with stunning visuals.

Personalization: Personalized emails have 29% higher open rates. Segment your list and tailor your offers. For instance, TANIT Botanics offered early access to VIP customers, making them feel special and valued.

Design: Ensure your email design is clean and mobile-optimized. 66% of 2018 Black Friday weekend purchases from Shopify merchants happened on mobile devices, so this is crucial. Adidas’ clean design with a prominent CTA and countdown timer is a prime example.

Testing: Conduct A/B testing on different elements like subject lines, send times, and content. This helps you understand what resonates best with your audience.

Automation: Use automated emails for cart abandonment and follow-ups. Cart abandonment emails had a 34% open rate, 9% click-through rate, and 2.13% conversion rate during Black Friday.

Is Black Friday a good marketing strategy?

Absolutely. Black Friday offers significant opportunities for boosting sales and attracting new customers. In 2022, online Black Friday sales reached $9.2 billion, a 2.3% increase over the previous year.

Significant Discounts: Offering deep discounts can drive massive traffic to your website. Electronics, clothing, and beauty products typically see the highest demand.

Consumer Enticement: Use strategic promotions to entice consumers. Highlight exclusive deals, limited-time offers, and special bundles.

Strategic Promotion: Plan your promotions early and use multiple channels to reach your audience. Combine email marketing with social media campaigns and paid ads for maximum impact.

How many emails should I send during Black Friday?

Multiple Emails: Sending multiple emails can keep your audience engaged and informed. Aim for 2-3 emails during the day on Black Friday and the lead-up to it.

Spaced Out: Space out your emails to avoid overwhelming your subscribers. Send teaser emails early, followed by promotional emails closer to Black Friday. A "final hours" reminder can create urgency.

Lead Up: Start your campaign early. Customers expect Black Friday deals to start sooner each year. Early planning and promotion can help you stand out.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday: Don't forget Cyber Monday. It’s another opportunity to drive sales. In 2022, Cyber Monday alone saw $11.3 billion in sales. Plan separate emails for both events to maximize your reach.

By following these best practices, you can craft irresistible Black Friday email marketing campaigns that capture attention and drive sales. Next, we'll dive into some frequently asked questions about Black Friday email marketing to help you refine your strategy even further.


In summary, Black Friday email marketing is a powerful tool for driving sales and engaging customers. Crafting compelling subject lines, designing eye-catching templates, personalizing content, and determining the optimal send time are all crucial elements of a successful campaign. By following these best practices, you can create emails that stand out and convert.

At Refresh, we specialize in helping small to medium-sized businesses optimize their digital marketing strategies. Our expertise in SEO, branding, and social media management, combined with our focus on long-term partnerships, ensures that we tailor solutions to meet your unique business needs.

One of our strengths is our expert support for Webflow, a powerful website development platform. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients, understanding their goals, and providing ongoing support to ensure sustained growth, not just during Black Friday but all year round.

Ready to lift your Black Friday email marketing strategy? Contact us today to learn how Refresh can help you achieve your goals and drive results for your business. Let’s make this Black Friday your most successful one yet!

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